A littlebit about me, but not too much...

A little bit about me. Not too much though, because if you reveal too much; there is no more mystery. And an unassuming amount of mystery is actually the thing that sells paintings and gets people to notice you. Even goons can’t resist it. Damn, I already wrote too much...

Not that I’m saying that I am an enigma wrapped in a riddle, but let’s leave something to the imaginations, shall we?  There’s only one thing that comes from uncovering the mystery of an artist, and that is misery.  And I am not in the habit of embracing or craving misery. There are already too many so-called suffering artists in this world - none of them successful - that made misery their prerogative; I am not one of them.

But I will let you in on some sad secrets and give you a bit of insight in who I am, what my art stands for and why I do what I do. Let this be enough already, you bunch of goons. 

About me as an artist

My name is Snar, as if you didn’t know that. I’m an artist; a painter to be exact. After educating from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague in 2003 I ventured out into the art world with high hopes of success and fame and exhibitions all over the world. Some of it came true and a lot of it didn’t. It was my plan to sweep everybody of their feet with my paintings, videos and drawings. I never made any videos; so there was little sweeping in that direction. My paintings were another story though, but not in the browbeat way I had envisioned beforehand. People that liked my work and bought it did so because they cherished it and wanted it more than anything else. People who didn’t, or thought the work was all right, existed, and exist, in equal numbers.

But that’s about the goons and not about me.

To be continued...